Friday, April 15, 2011

Fire Alarm Signal

Does the provision in LSC regarding “transmission of a fire alarm signal” mean the signal to the Emergency Forces per 9.6.4 which allows the use of one of the following means accepted by the AHJ in accordance with NFPA 72:  (1) Auxiliary alarm system  (2) Central station connection  (3) Proprietary system  (4) Remote station connection; or is it only referring to the “transmission of a fire alarm signal” which can be limited only to the notification of occupants, such as that allowed by a “coded announcement”? 

Based on NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2000 edition: addresses fire drills in health care occupancies. The “transmission of a fire alarm signal” described in that paragraph refers to the means of fire alarm occupant notification so that staff will be familiar with the alarm signal. It is not the intent of to require automatic emergency forces notification in accordance with 9.6.4 when conducting fire drills.  Please note the authority having jurisdiction determines compliance with the Code.

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