Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fire Drill Response

When a code Red is called in a hospital, is there a general expectation or standard that states the floor above, below and lateral shall respond by closing doors, etc?  Do other locations have the same response?

While the TJC standards do not specify, typically, whenever a fire alarm goes off (or a Code Red is called), the entire hospital should be responding (according to your fire plan) to get any patients intimate with the fire and point of origin out of harms way while protecting all other patients via a “defend-in-place” action by closing corridor, smoke barrier, and fire doors, etc. and in preparation for possible horizontal or vertical evacuation of patients & staff. Specific or further actions might be warranted depending on the fire location, size of the fire, arrival of the fire department, etc. The point being, until it has been determined what the extent of the threat is, the purpose of sounding the alarm is to ensure that staff is notified that there is a fire or fire simulation for a fire drill, and execute appropriate actions as deemed necessary and per the hospital’s fire plan.

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