What is the maximum amount of time after an addition is made to a hospital does the hospital have to notify TJC of the change?
Instructions are given (on pages ACC-82 and ACC-83 in the 2011 HAS manual’s The Accreditation Process (ACC) chapter section Notifying The Joint Commission About Organization Changes; Changes Affecting e-App Information; and Changes to the Site of Care, Treatment, or Services) requiring the organization to notify TJC (in writing or in its e-App) not more than 30 calendar days after such a change is made, e.g., opening a new patient tower. (See also the Accreditation Participation Requirements (APR) chapter, standard APR.01.03.01.) Failure to do so could result in the hospital’s loss of accreditation.
Also, when a hospital offers at least 25% of its services or programs at a new location or in a significantly altered physical plant, the hospital must also fill out and submit the Joint Commission Basic Building Information (BBI) within the e-SOC, available on the hospital’s secure Joint Commission Connect site, and any PFI's, should Life Safety Code Deficiencies be present. Again, failure to do so could result in the hospital’s loss of accreditation.
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